Blogging Is Hard

Blogging is hard – at least for me. I have so much to say and share but never seem to commit the words to paper. Some of my closest friends and family say I have a gift for words and swear they mean that in the most complimentary of contexts!

I guess my struggle with blogging shouldn’t be so surprising to me. It’s not like I was an avid diary keeper growing up and I DETEST text messages.

I think my issue stems from the restrictiveness of pen and paper. Now don’t mistake me for saying pen and paper is confining or lacking indulgence, that’s not what I mean. I love a good book and the worlds you can travel to with the vivid imagery and words so exquisitely chosen and placed into a cohesive work of literature. What I find restrictive is the mechanism of sitting down and actually writing – for me it removes the excitement of storytelling I find in other forms of communication.

When I tell a story or recount the day to my husband, it’s like dinner theater – a whole body reenactment occurs. To say I am a better oral communicator might be a stretch, but it is 100% more entertaining than me sitting at this desk right now.


Here I am. At this point, blogging might be my only option for self expression. Heaven knows I am not about to become the next YouTube or TikTok star – my phone’s google search history includes the keywords “tiktok dances” and “how to make Youtube work for you.” It’s safe to say if I become popular on either site, it’s because someone has made a greatest worst video compilation.


Well I thought about it and then Instagram came to the rescue. One of the accounts I friendly stalk (you know the non-celebrities you follow because you chuckled at their post or comment on something so in your mind y’all are secret BFFs and you now look at everything they post) shared a link last week a 30-day journal prompt. Something told me to click on the link and print it out, so I did! These 30 journal prompts are themed to increase your confidence and clarity – talking about being spot on! They include sentence starters like, “Wouldn’t it be amazing if…” and you then fill in the rest of course. I love that this journaling prompt will help me look inward for inspiration.

I am so excited for this y’all!

Now full transparency because I like to always be authentic – do NOT expect a new blog post every day for the next 30 days. It’s not happening – I am not even going to falsely claim to be able to do a 180-turn like that. This COULD mean more regular blog posts though like maybe one every other week or weekly. I CAN commit to that. I WANT to commit to that. I WILL commit to that.

PS – This post counts by the way towards the new regular posting challenge ?