All Things Stephanie Elise

At 25, I was five months pregnant walking down the aisle to marry my husband. Nowadays I have difficulty remembering my age and between my knees and my children, I am daily reminded that I am no longer a spring chicken.

I would describe myself as a new to the game Stay-At-Home-Mom, Firefighter Wife and Part-time DIY-er.

Between the ashes, dirt, glitter and craft supplies – a clean house is but a dream for this household.

I consider myself a REAL mom. What does that mean? For me, a REAL mom embraces both her wins & fails and is at ease with her flaws.

My hope in opening up my life unabashedly, is that others can find the silver lining in their own daily routine – Target run and gymnastics training included! Let’s build a community where we can laugh, high-five or commiserate together knowing we don’t go through these things alone. Anyone can have a bad day but a REAL mom can find the good in a week’s worth of dirty laundry…

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