One Bad Apple Can Spoil the Whole Bushel

The above image or similar ones and sentiments have made the rounds on social media right in stride with the resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement. Normally, I just shake my head and remove the individual from my social media feed but when a grade school friend posted it, I felt compelled to respond. Read More


I have straddled the fence between two worlds for most of my life without ever really acknowledging it. Dipping and dabbing into 2 different cultures trying the make it through day to day. Bi-racial life can be very frustrating especially during times of social unrest. There was a protest/march organized not 10 minutes walking from Read More

Blogging Is Hard

Blogging is hard – at least for me. I have so much to say and share but never seem to commit the words to paper. Some of my closest friends and family say I have a gift for words and swear they mean that in the most complimentary of contexts! I guess my struggle with Read More

Embracing the Curls

Yesterday, my daughter turned 7 years old. Today we upgraded her hairstyle. Day two of her 7th year of life was marked by her first ever wash n’ go hairstyle. The wash n’ go is the gold standard for me personally. I honestly think it’s the only actual hairstyle I know how to do aside Read More

DEFINING the Brand aka ME

As this blog post’s title would lead you to believe, today I set out to define my brand. As this is a personal blog that means defining me. What exactly does that mean? Well as a newly certified social media influencer, it starts by finding your niche and your voice within that the subgroup. So Read More

How Fleeting Is Life

It’s a reality that happens more often than we think about. Routine occurrences turning into final goodbyes. Today we were accosted with news of the passing of Kobe Bryant and his 13 year old daughter, Gianna. Kobe Bryant was a great basketball player who left his mark on a sport and its fans for years Read More

There’s No Comparison

Back in my early 20’s; you know when I possessed all the answers to life, I wanted five children. Post-pregnancy and delivery, I was firmly planted on the single child parent track. Today, I have two kids and they are the light of my life. My journey into motherhood started with my beautiful daughter. A Read More

Working Vacation

Whoop whoop!! Ya girl had herself a me, myself & I trip. Not only did I travel sans the hubby and kids, it was on a school night and out of state. Shout out to my VP and fellow working mom. She must have recognized that look in my eyes – that over-tired, over-stressed – Read More

Just Tell ‘Em to Call Me Stephanie…

This Nicki Minaj lyric is possibly only the 2nd time I can remember hearing my name in a song. The first time was Mambo #5 .** I was always jealous of the Sarahs, Jessica’s and Kathy’s with their short non-three syllable nine letter names. I also have never really been a fan of shortening my Read More